Welcome to the Telecommunications Laboratory Website

The Telecommunications Laboratory (LT) of the Faculty of Science and Technology, University 8 May 1945 Guelma was created by Ministerial Order No. 146 of 16 March 2011 under Executive Decree No. 99-244 of 21 Rajab 1420 corresponding to 31 October 1999.  It is composed of four (04) teams of 31 researchers. Its main mission is to promote research and application development in the field of telecommunications, taking into account the country's socio-economic needs. The laboratory's research teams conduct research in a variety of areas, including wireless communications, mobile communications, ultra-broadband communications, proximity and high-speed networks, optical telecommunications, antennas and microwave devices, radio transmission over fibre, and telecommunications services and networks as well as remote sensing. The research work is structured in different frameworks (national "PNR" projects, CNEPRU projects, L.M.D. and classical doctoral theses, magister's dissertations, Master's dissertations, etc.).

 In order to explore new avenues of research, the laboratory's teams study, model, design and produce models and devices to improve the performance of architectures deployed in telecommunications systems. In addition, the development of quality scientific research, which takes into account both guidelines, national needs and universal incentives and concerns, is equally important.    

 Despite some difficulties related to the establishment of the laboratory, which was newly approved, the scientific production of the laboratory is progressing very encouragingly. In fact, the work carried out by the laboratory's researchers has been the subject of a few international publications in peer-reviewed journals, a fairly large number of international and national communications and a book chapter. In addition, the laboratory organized the first national telecommunications conference "CNT'2012" in November 2012, the 7th edition of the thematic school on signal processing and its applications (A3SPA'2017) in December 2017 in addition to annual doctoral days.

 In terms of cooperation, the laboratory maintains collaborations with national and international laboratories and research establishments, in particular the Research Laboratories of the University of Guelma, 8 May 1945, the Laboratory of Electromagnetism and Telecommunications (LET), Constantine 1 University, the LARATIC Laboratory, INTTIC-Oran, the "Micro-Nanoélectronique et Micro-Nanosystèmes" Network - CDTA, the Micro and Nano Photonic Technologies Network, DGRSDT-ATRST, the Ecole Supérieure des Communications de Tunis (Sup'Com), TUNISIE, TELECOM SudParis, CNAM, Laboratoire LCIS Valence, ENST Bretagne, IRSEEM Rouen, CentraleSupélec, France, the Laboratoire de Radiocommunications et Traitement du Signal (LRTS), Laval University, CANADA.





Laboratory Director:

Dr. Abdelhalim Chaabane