Publications Internationales

  Publications Internationales:

  1. Hana ElhachiMohamed Aymen Labiod, Farouk Boumehrez, and Salah Redadaa, Enhancing Real-Time Mobile Health Video Streams: A Cross-Layer Region-of-Interest Based Approach Computer Networks Journal, Vol. 257, 111014, 2025.
  2. Hana ElhachiFarouk BoumehrezMohamed Aymen Labiod, Salah Redadaa, and Abdelhamid Mellouk, Smart cross-layer approach to multi-access terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks (NTNs): Real-time mobile-health use case, International Journal of Communication Systems, Vol. 37, n°.18, e5941, 2024.
  3. Abdelhalim Chaabane, Mohammed Guerroui"A Planar Dual Notched Band Vivaldi Antenna for Wireless Communication Applications" Defence Science Journal, Vol. 74, No.1, January 2024, pp. 79-84,
  4. Abderrezak Khalfallaoui, Abdelhalim Chaabane, Abdesselam Babouri, "Design and Experimental Evaluation of a Printed Monopole Antenna for GPR Applications," International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications Vol. 12, No. 6, November 2023. pp.405-410. doi: 10.18178/ijeetc.12.6.405-410
  5. Bilal Guetaf, Abdelhalim Chaabane, Abderrezak Khalfallaoui, Hussein Attia, "Narrow- band Circularly Polarized Antenna for Medical Microwave Imaging and Health Monitoring Applications." Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, Vol.38, No.6, pp.424- 438, 2023.
  6. Somia Taba, Salah Redadaa, Mohamed Amine Benchana, Samir Ikni, A Low-Complexity PTS Technique based-Improved PSO Algorithm for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 2023 B-Scopus  82 17,31988cf94709d3d....
  7. Siham Aissani, Sami Kahla, Mohcene Bechouat, Toufik Amieur, Moussa Sedraoui, A Voltage PID Controller Synthesis Based on a New Small-Signal Linear Model to Enhance the Performance of the Standard P &O Algorithm Employed in Photovoltaic Panels Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 2023 A  48 6615–6630

  8. Bahloul afaf, Boualleg ahcene, Numerical Study of Passive Irregular Hexagonal Circulator with Coplanar Topology in the Band 7–10 GHz Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii 2023 B-Scopus 21, 247–252

  9. Bilal Guetaf, Abdelhalim Chaabane, Abderrezak Khalfallaoui, Hussein Attia Narrow-band Circularly Polarized Antenna for Medical Microwave Imaging and Health Monitoring Applications The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal (ACES) 2023  A 38, 424–438, DOI:

  10. Dheya Alhaq Ahmed Hamood Abdullah Al QUDAMI, Samir IKNI, Salah REDADAA, Moussa SEDRAOUI, A NOVEL SCHEME UFMC-DSNT FOR PAPR REDUCTION IN 5G SYSTEMS, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 2023, 82,  21-39   10.1615/TelecomRadEng.2023048111.

  11. L Graini, B Ortaç, Spatial beam self-cleaning accompanied by self-similar propagation in few-mode graded-index fiber, JOSA B, 2023   A, 40 (8)  2139-2145,

  12. I Hamamdia, L Graini, R Guernine, Investigation and performance analysis of LG-SDM-FSO transmission system using 2 μm laser beam under atmospheric turbulences, Journal of Optics 2023, B-Scopus,1

  13. GRAINI, Leila et SAOUCHI, Kaddour. ‘’All-optical 2R regenerator based on similariton-induced spectral broadening’’. Optical Engineering, (2022), vol. 61, p. 026109.

  14. Yahia, S., Graini, L., Beddiaf, S. et al. ‘’Performance evaluation of a 60-GHz RoF-OFDM system for wireless applications’’. J Opt 51, 194–202 (2022).
  15. Youcef Driouche, Rachid Hamdi, Leila Graini, Abderezzaq Halassi, and Badr-Eddine Benkelfat, "Pulse rate multiplier based on the temporal Talbot effect in birefringent optical filters," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 39, 682-689 (2022).
  16. Boumediene Guenad, Abdelhalim Chaabane, Djelloul Aissaoui, Abdelhafid Bouacha, Tayeb A Denidni, "Compact cauliflower-shaped antenna for ultra-wideband applications"The Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal (ACES), Vol.37, No.1, pp.68–77, 2022.
  17. Abdelhalim Chaabane, Mohammed Guerroui, "Circularly Polarized UWB Antenna with Question Mark Shaped Patch for GPR Applications", Journal of Applied Research and Technology, Vol.20, No.3, pp. 274-283, 2022.
  18. Mohammed Guerroui, Abdelhalim Chaabane, Ahcene Boualleg"Super UWB grooved and corrugated antenna for GPR application"Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol.66, No.1, pp.31-37, 2022.
  19. Mohammed Guerroui, Abdelhalim Chaabane, Samir Ikni, Ahcene Boualleg, Nassima Guebgoub, Omar Mahri, "A Printed U-Shaped Coplanar Waveguide Feed UWB Antenna for GPR Applications"Advanced Electromagnetics, Vol.11, No.4, pp.51-59, 2022.
  20. Abdelhalim Chaabane, Mohammed Guerroui, Djelloul Aissaoui, "Circularly polarized quasi-rectangular patch UWB antenna for GPR applications", Serbian Journal OF Electrical Engineering, Vol.19, No.3, pp.261-271, 2022.
  21. Djelloul Aissaoui, Abdelhalim Chaabane, Noureddine Boukli-Hacene, and Tayeb A. Denidni, "Bandwidth Enhancement of Slot Antenna Using Fractal Shaped Isosceles for UWB Applications" ACES Journal, Vol. 37, No. 9, pp.977-985, 2022.
  22. Graini L, Ortaç B. ‘’Spatiotemporal Evolutions of Similariton Pulses in Multimode Fibers with Raman Amplification’’. Photonics. (2021) 8(9):354.
  23. Graini, L., Ortaç, B. ‘’Spatiotemporal dynamics of self-similar parabolic pulse evolution in multimode fibers’’. Opt Quant Electron 54, 394 (2022).
  24. Bouchene, M.M., Boukharouba, A. Features extraction and reduction techniques with optimized SVM for Persian/Arabic handwritten digits recognition. Iran J Comput Sci 5, 247–265 (2022).
  25. Hadjadji Narimane and Rachid Hamdi, Nonlinearity mitigation of self-phase modulation effect in coherent optical system, July 2022 Journal of Optical Communications, DOI: 10.1515/joc-2021-0138
  26. Marwan Dhiyaeddine Chachoua, Rachid Hamdi, Ayman Alfalou, Halassi Abderezzaq and Badr-EddineBenkelfat, “Tailored Dual Polarization Encryption-Coherence Modulation-based Decryption Scheme for a Predefined Uniformly Distributed Noisy Output Image,” Optics Express 30(10), Avril 2022. DOI: 10.1364/OE.453725
  27. Youcef Driouche, Rachid Hamdi, Leila Graini, Abderezzaq Halassi, and Badr-EddineBenkelfat, “Pulse rate multiplier based on the temporal Talbot effect in birefringent optical filters,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A,Vol. 39, Issue 4, pp. 682-689, 2022. DOI: 10.1364/JOSAA.452327
  28. N. Guebgoub, O. Mahri, T.A Denidni, and S. Redadaa, “Design and Analysis of a New Fractal Compact Antenna for Ultra-Wideband Applications,” J. Nano- Electron. Phys., Vol. 14, n°.1, pp.51-60, pp.01015-1 - 01015-5, 2022.
  29. Halim Chouabia, Abdesselam Babouri, Ameur Chaabna, Xun Zhang, Jamel Nebhen,  ZineEddineMeguetta,“IMPACT OF TRANSCEIVER PARAMETERS ON THE ACHIEVABLE DATA RATE IN MIMO VISIBLE LIGHT COMMUNICATION SYSTEM’’, Telecommunications and Radio EngineeringVolume 80, 2021 Issue 7pp. 35-50
  30. Farouk Boumehrez, Abdelhakim Sahour, and NoureddineDoghmane. “ Telehealth care enhancement using the internet of things technology,” Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 10 (5), 2652-2660, 2021, pp.2652-2660. DOI:
  31. Abdelhakim Sahour, Farouk Boumehrez, Mohamed benouaret, and AzzouzMokhneche “Greenhouse Climate Controller by Using of Internet of Things Technology and Fuzzy Logic”, Instrumentation MesureMétrologie, Vol 20 (1), February, 2021, pp.29-38. DOI:
  32. Narimane HADJADJI and Rachid HAMDI, ''Compensation of Fiber Nonlinearity in 40×32 Gbaud Long-Haul DWDM Transmission'', Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 79(1):29-38, 2020, DOI:10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v79.i1.30
  33. Narimane HADJADJI and Rachid HAMDI, “Analysis and Compensation of Chromatic Dispersion in Long-hauls Optical Coherent System”, Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 65(4), pp. 281–289, 2021. DOI: 10.3311/PPee.15198 
  34. Abdelhalim Chaabane, Omar Mahri, Djelloul Aissaoui, Nassima Guebgoub,“ Multiband stepped antenna for wireless communication applications,” Informacije MEDEM, Vol. 50, n°. 4, pp.275-285, 2020.
  35. Abdelhalim Chaabane,“A novel wideband partially reflective surface for antenna gain enhancement,” Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics, Vol 12, n°. 6, pp.060101-060104, 2020. DOI: 10.21272/jnep.12(6).06010

  36. M. A. Benchana, A. Khalfallaoui, Abdelhalim Chaabane, Abdesselam Babouri, Abdelaziz Ladjimi, Zouheir Riah, “Far field prediction from near field using the plane wave spectrum method,” Journal of Atomic, Molecular, Condensed Matter & Nano Physics, Vol. 7, n°. 3, pp.167-172, 2020.

  37. Djelloul Aissaoui, Abdelhalim Chaabane, Ahcene Boualleg, Mohammed Guerroui,“Coplanar waveguide-fed UWB slotted antenna with notched-band performance,” Periodica Polytechnica Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol 65, n°. 1, pp.69-73, 2021.
  38. Abdelhalim Chaabane,  Mohammed Guerroui, “Printed UWB rhombus-shaped antenna for GPR applications,” Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.73, n°.4, pp.2041-2041, 2021.
  39. Abdelhalim Chaabane, Hussein Attia, Farid Djahli, Tayeb A. Denidni, “A single-layer metallo-dielectric superstructure for enhancing the performances of EBG cavity antenna,”  Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol.72, n°.1, pp.53-60, 2021.
  40. T. Amieur, M. Bechouat, M. Sedraoui, S. Kahla, H. Guessoum, “A new robust tilt-PID controller based upon an automatic selection of adjustable fractional weights for permanent magnet synchronous motor drive control,” Electrical Engineering,  Springer, 2021.DOI:

  41. Metin Demirtas, Haris Calgan, Amieur Toufik, Moussa Sedraoui, “Small-signal modeling and robust multi-loop PID and H∞ controllers synthesis for a self-excited induction generator,” ISA Transactions,  Elsevier, 2021.DOI:

  42. Abde Rezzaq Halassi, Youcef DRIOUCHE, Rachid Hamdi, and Badr-Eddine Benkelfat, “Generalized temporal synthesis method for a birefringent laser pulse shaper ,” Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 37, n°:11, pp.C15-C19, 2020.

  43. Narimane Hadjadji and Hamdi Rachid, “ Influence of pulse shape in optical dense wavelength division multiplexed system ,” Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Vol. 79, n°:11, pp. 973-983, 2020. DOI: 10.1615/TelecomRadEng.v79.i11.70.
  44. Sarra Mekhancha, Djamel Abed, and Ahcene Boualleg, “Chaotic-precoder based PAPR reduction in MIMO SFBC-OFDM,” International Journal of Electronics Letters,2019.
  45. S. Ikni, D. Abed, S. Redadaa, and M. Sedraoui, “PAPR reduction in FBMC-OQAM systems based on discrete sliding norm transform technique,” Radioelectronics and Communications Systems, Vol. 62, n°.2,  pp.51-60, 2019. DOI:                                                              
  46. A. Chaabane, A. Babouri,  “Dual Band Notched UWB MIMO Antenna for Surfaces Penetrating Application,” Advanced Electromagnetics Vol.8, n°.3, pp.6-15, 2019. DOI:
  47. M. Aidoud, CE. Feraga, M. Bechouat, M. Sedraoui, S. Kahla, “Development of photovoltaic cell models using fundamental modeling approaches,” Energy Procedia, Vol.162, pp.263-274, 2019. DOI:
  48. M. Bechouat, M. Sedraoui, CE. Feraga, M. Aidoud, S. Kahla, “Modeling and Fuzzy MPPT Controller Design for Photovoltaic Module Equipped with a Closed-Loop Cooling System,” Journal of Electronic Materials, pp.1-10, 2019. DOI:
  49. H. Guessoum, CE. Feraga, L.Mehennaoui, M.Sedraoui, A.Lachouri,  “A robust performance enhancement of primary H∞ controller based on auto-selection of adjustable fractional weights: Application on a permanent magnet synchronous motor,” Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 0142331218823861, 2019. DOI:
  50. H. Bouyedda, S. Ladaci, M. Sedraoui, M. Lashab,“Identification and control design for a class of non-minimum phase dead-time systems based on fractional-order Smith predictor and genetic algorithm technique,” International Journal of Dynamics and Control, pp.1-12, 2019. DOI:
  51. CE. Feraga, M. Sedraoui, RB. Bouiadjra,  “Enhanced Indirect Field-Oriented Control of Single-Phase Induction Motor Drive Using H∞ Current Controller,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, pp.1-16, 2019. DOI:
  52. Farouk Boumehrez, Radhia Brai, Noureddine Doghmane,a,d Khaled Mansouria,d, Quality of experience enhancement of high efficiency video coding video streaming in wireless packet networks using multiple description coding, , Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2018, 27(1), 013028-15,,

  53. Ouanas, B. Meftah , M. Merad,Fractional Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for n-times log-convex functions, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl, 2018, 9 (1),

  54. B. Meftah, M. Merad and  A. Souahi, On some Hermite-Hadamard's inequalities for twice differentiable s-convex functions, International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, 2018, 29(3), p.29–40,

  55. Bouiadjra R. B, Sedraoui M. Younsi, Robust fractional PID controller synthesis approach for the permanent magnetic synchronous motor A.International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2018, 9(12),2027-2041,

  56. Aidoud, M. Sedraoui, M., Lachouri, A.  Boualleg, A A robustification of the two degree-of-freedom controller based upon multivariable generalized predictive control law and robust H∞ control for a doubly-fed induction generator, Transactions  of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2018, 40(3), 1005-1017,
  57. Kahla, S. Sedraoui, M. Bechouat, M.,  Soufi, Y, Robust Fuzzy On–Off Synthesis Controller for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Wind Energy Conversion, Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials,  146-156. 2018, 19(2), 146-156,
  58. Kahla, S. Sedraoui, M. Soufi, Y. Bechouat, M, Improved Sliding Mode Controller for Maximum Power Point Tracking of WECS, Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica, 2018, 66(1), 29-35,
  59. Menasria, A, Bennia, A, Nemissi, M. Sedraoui, M, Multiclassifiers system for handwritten Arabic literal amounts recognition based on enhanced feature extraction model. .Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2018,27(3), 033024,
  60. H. Djellab, N. Doghmane, A. Bouarfa, M. Kandouci, Study of the Different Optical Filters in SAC-OCDMA System, Journal of Optical Communications, 2018, 39(4), p. 381-386,
  61. M. Bechouat, Proposed Algorithm MPPT for Photovoltaic System, International Journal of Energetica, 2018, 3 (1), p.10-17,
  62. Mohammed Mehdi Bouchene, Comparison between Rate Equations Model and Traveling Wave Model in Large Signal Transient Response of Fabry-Pérot Laser Diodes,CiiT Digital Signal Processing, vol 09, 2017,
  63. H. DJELLAB, N. DOGHMANE, A. BOUARFA, M. KANDOUCI,   Study of the Different Optical Filters in SAC-OCDMA System,” Journal of Optical Communications, (April 2018). DOI:
  64.  F. BOUMEHREZ, R. BRAI, N. DOGHMANE,  Quality of experience enhancement of high efficiency video coding video streaming in wireless packet networks using multiple description coding ,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol.27, n°.1,  2018.  DOI: 10.1117/1.JEI.27.1.013028.
  65. Mohammed Mehdi Bouchene, Rachid HamdiQin Zou, Theorical analysis of a monolithic all-active three-section semiconductor laser,, Photonics Letters of Poland, vol 09, 131-133 2017,
  66. SEDRAOUI Moussa,AMIEUR Toufik,BACHIR BOUIADJRA Rochdi, SAHNOUNE Mohamed,Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control (TIMC), 39, no 5,660-674, 2017
  67. BACHIR BOUIADJRA Rochdi, SEDRAOUI Moussa,YOUNSI Abdelaziz, Robust fractional PID controller synthesis approach for the permanent magnetic synchronous motor, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics (IJMLC), 1-15,2017
  68. KAHLA Sami, SOUFI Youcef, SEDRAOUI  Moussa, BECHOUAT Mohcene, Maximum Power Point Tracking of Wind Energy Conversion System Using Multi-objective grey wolf optimization of Fuzzy-Sliding Mode Controller,           International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) 7, no 2 926-936, 2017,
  69. BECHOUAT Mohcene, YOUNSI Abdelaziz, SEDRAOUI Moussa, SOUFI Youcef, YOUSFI Laatra, TABET Ismail, TOUAFEK Khaled, Parameters identification of a photovoltaic module in a thermal system using meta-heuristic optimization methods, International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems (IJIES), 8 no 4  331-341,2017,
  70. DJABRI Riadh, SEDRAOUI Moussa, A New Design for a Robust Fraction Smith Predictor Controller Based Fractional Model, Leonardo Electronic Journal of Practices and Technologies (LEJPT), 30 no 1, 221-242, 2017  
  71. BECHOUAT Mohcene, SEDRAOUI Moussa, SOUFI Youcef, KAHLA Sami, Particle Swarm Optimization Backstopping Controller for a Grid-Connected Pv/Wind Hybrid System, Journal of Engineering Science & Technology Review(JESTR) 10 no 1, 91-99, 2017 
  72. BACHIR BOUIADJRA, Rochdi  KHELFI, Mohamed Fayçal, SALEM Mohammed, SEDRAOUI Moussa, Nonlinear $ $ H_\infty $ $ H∞ control via measurement feedback using neural network, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering  (JBSMSE), 39 no. 4,1109-1118, 2017,
  73. A .Attoui, A.  Boualleg, External  command  study  of  the  phase  shifter  for applications to array antenna with nematic liquid crystal, POLYTECHNICAL JOURNAL, Metallurgical  and  Mining  Industry. Engineering  science             7N-7 pp.134 – 140, 2017
  74. A. Attoui, A. Boualleg, and S. Redadaa, New Microstrip  Resonator of Nanostructured Materials in a Liquid-Crystal-Based Phase Shifter, Nanosistemi, Nanomateriali, Nanotehnologii,15 N 3pp.389-399, 2017
  75. Z.Maakouf, S. Redadaa and M. Benslama, Closed Form of Topographic Elevation in the Context of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture, International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol.30, n°.2/2017,
  76. A. Bouarfa, M. Kandouci, H. Djellab, A new MIHP code using direct detection for SAC-OCDMA system, International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 9, n°.4 825-833/2017,
  77. A. Bouarfa, M. Kandouci, A. Garadi, H. Djellab, PIIN Cancellation Using a Novel Receiving Architecture for Spectral/Spatial SAC-OCDMA System, Journal of Optical Communications, 1-10/2017,
  78. Chaabane Abdelhalim, Djahli Farid, Attia Hussein, Ahmed Denidni Tayeb, “Radiation bandwidth improvement of electromagnetic band gap cavity antenna,”  Frequenz, Journal of RF-Engineering and Telecommunications,  2017. DOI:
  79. Chaabane Abdelhalim, Djahli Farid, Attia Hussein, Mohamed Abdelghani Lamine, Ahmed Denidni Tayeb,  “Wideband and high-gain EBG resonator antenna based on dual layer PRS,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol.59, n°.1, pp.98-101 ,2017. DOI:
  80. Sedraoui Moussa, Amieur Toufik, Bouiadjra Bachir Rochdi, Sahnoun Mohamed, Robustified Fractional-Order Controller Based on Adjustable Fractional Weights for a Doubly Fed Induction Generator,” Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. DOI: 10.1177/0142331215617236, 2016.
  81. Aidoud Mohammed, Sedraoui Moussa, Lachouri Abderrazek, Boualleg Abdelhalim,Robustified GPC Controller Based on H∞ Robust Control For an Hydraulic Actuator”. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Vol.37, n°.7,  pp. 2181-2188, 2016.
  82. Bouiadjra Bachir Rochdi, Khelfi Mohamed Fayçal, Salem Mohamed, Sedraoui Moussa “Nonlinear H Control via Measurement Feedback using Neural Network” Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. DOI: 10.1007/s40430-016-0597-4, 2016.
  83. Aidoud Mohammed, Sedraoui Moussa, Lachouri Abderrazek, Boualleg Abdelhalim “A Robustication of the Two Degree-Of-Freedom Controller Based upon Multivariable Generalized Predictive Control Law and Robust H∞ Control for a Doubly-Fed Induction Generator,” Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control. DOI: 10.1177/0142331216673425, 2016.
  84. Abde Rezzaq Halassi, Rachid Hamdi, Djalal Falih Bendimerad, and Badr-Eddine Benkelfat, “A novel synthesis approach for birefringent filters having arbitrarily amplitude transmittances,” Optics Communications, Vol. 369, , pp.12-17,  2016. doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2016.02.016.
  85. Youcef Soufi, Mohcene Bechouat, and Sami Kahla, “Fuzzy-PSO controller design for maximum power point tracking in photovoltaic system,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016.
  86. Youcef Soufi, Sami Kahla and  Mohcene Bechouat, “Particle swarm optimization based sliding mode control of variable speed wind energy conversion system,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.41, n°.45, pp. 20956-20963, 2016.
  87. Youcef Soufi, Sami Kahla and  Mohcene Bechouat, “Feedback linearization control based particle swarm optimization for maximum power point tracking of wind turbine equipped by PMSG connected to the grid,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.41, n°.45, pp. 20950-20955, 2016.
  88. K. Boukerrioua, T.Chiheb  and B. Meftah, “Fractional Hermite-Hadamard Type Inequalities for Functions Whose Second Derivative are (s,r)-Convex in the Second Sense,” Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 40, n°.2 , pp.172-191, 2016.
  89. Meftah Badreddine, “Ostrowski inequalities for functions whose first derivatives Are logarithmically preinvex,” Chinese Journal of Mathematics, 2016.
  90. Meftah Badreddine, “Some New Ostrwoski’s Inequalities for Functions Whose nth Derivatives Are r-Convex,” International Journal of Analysis, 2016.
  91. D. Abed, and  A. Medjouri, “Discrete sliding norm transform-based 50% PAPR reduction in asymmetricaly clippedoptical OFDM system for optical wireless communication,” IET Electonics Letters, Vol. 51, n°.25, pp.2128-2130,  2015. DOI: 10.1049/el.2015.2813
  92. Rachid Hamdi, Djalal Falih Bendimerad, Badr-Eddine Benkelfat and Bruno Vinouze, “Tuning of liquid-crystal birefringence using a square ac variable frequency voltage,” Journal of Optics, Vol. 10, n°.17, 2015.doi:10.1088/2040-8978/17/10/105703, :
  93. Soulef Ayad and Salah Redadaa, “A modified SAR range-Doppler algorithm with Gaussian frequency waveforms,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 36, n°.14,pp.3575-3586, 2015. DOI:10.1080/01431161.2015.1066525 :
  94. Khalfallaoui, A.; Burgnies, L.; Blary, K.; Velu, G.; Lippens, D.; Carru, J.-C., “ Downscaling at Submicrometer Scale of the Gap width of Interdigitated Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 capacitors,” IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 62, n°.2, pp. 247 - 254, 2015.
  95. Kahla Sami, Soufi Youcef, Sedraoui Moussa and Bechouat Mohcene,“On-Off Control Based Particle Swarm Optimization for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Wind Turbine Equipped by DFIG Connected to the Grid with Energy Storage,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol.40. pp. 13749-13758, 2015.
  96. Bechouat Mohcene, Soufi Youcef, Sedraoui Moussa, Kahla Sami, Energy Storage Based on Maximum Power Point Tracking in Photovoltaic Systems: A Comparison Between Gas and PSO Approaches,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. Vol.40. pp. 13737-13748, 2015.
  97.  A. Attoui and  A. Boualleg, “ External Command Study of the Phase Shifter for Applications to Array Antenna with Nematic Liquid Crystal,”  Journal of Metallurgical and Mining Industry- Engineering Science, Vol. 7, n°.1, pp. 134-140, 2015.
  98. B. Meftah and K. Boukerrioua, “On Some Čebyšev Type Inequalities for Functions Whose Second Derivatives Are (h1, h2)-Convex On the Co-Ordinates,” Konuralp Journal of Mathematics, Vol.3, n°. 2, pp. 77-88, 2015.  
  99. B. Meftah and K. Boukerrioua, “New Čebyšev Type Inequalities for Functions whose Second Derivatives are (s1, m1)-(s2, m2)-convex on the Co-ordinates,” Theory and Applications of Mathematics & Computer Science, Vol.5, n°. 2, pp.116-125, 2015.
  100. B. Meftah and K. Boukerrioua, “On Some Nonlinear Integral Inequalities in Two Independent Variables on Time Scales and Their Applications,” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol.7, n°. 3, pp.119-133, 2015.
  101. ChaabaneAbdelhalim and Djahli Farid, “A Compact Planar UWB Antenna with Triple Controllable Band-Notched Characteristics,” International Journal of Antennas and Propagation(IJAP), 2014.
  102. A. Chaabane, F. Djahli, and S. Redadaa, “A Dual-Band-Notched Antenna for UWB Communication Systems using Two Different Shaped Slots,” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer,   Vol. 39, n°.8, pp. 6215-6223, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s13369-014-1210-8,:
  103. B. Meftah and K. Boukerrioua, “Explicit Estimates on Some Nonlinear Integral Inequalities in Two Independent Variables on Time Scales and Applications,” Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories, Vol.12, n°. 2, pp.131-144, 2014.DOI:10.1080/1726037X.2014.979710,:
  104. B. Meftah and K. Boukerrioua, “Some new Ostrowski type inequalities for functions whose second derivative are h-convex via Riemann-Liouville fractional,” Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol.2,     n°. 4, pp. 445-459, 2014.
  105. Abed Djamel, Salah Redadaa, and H. Kimouche, “Printed Ultra-Wideband Stepped-Circular Slot Antenna with Different Tuning Stubs,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 27, n°.7, pp.846-855, 2013.DOI:10.1080/09205071.2013.789409.
  106. Abed Djamel, Salah Redadaa, and Smail Tedjini,  “Closed-Form PDF for Multiuser TR-UWB Systems under Gaussian Noise and Impulsive Interference,” in Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 40, 175-186, 2013.
  107. Bendimerad, D.F.; Benkelfat, B.; Hamdi, R.; Gottesman, Y.; Seddiki, O.; Vinouze, B, “Channel Equalization and Bandwidth Tuning Using a LC-Based Tunable Hybrid Birefringent Filter”, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology (JLT), vol. 30 ,no.13,  pp. 2103 -2109, 2012.
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